Bender, by Erica Bennett (world premiere)
Directed by Travis Kendrick * Acknowledged as Best New Play of 2014 in The Examiner's "Best Of Orange County Theatre" by Jordan R. Young "The next ninety plus minutes provide the audience not just with the humorous, emotional ups and downs and a good amount of well written passion infused music but a window into a moment in time, universal truths such as how easily friends can become the closest of family members and a way of life some may not be acquainted with. Director Travis Kendrick takes Bennett's script and paints a life breathing interpretation. The actors he has chosen fulfill Bennett's vision with flesh, blood, soul and song. The ensemble is solid with not a hindering link among them." - Mark M. Rosier, "OC Theatre Reviews," Fullerton Observer Newspaper "The writing, directing, and acting was simply top-notch" - David Rusiecki, playwright |